
Former children of the children's home

Wenn Kinder klein sind,
gib ihnen Wurzeln,
wenn sie groß sind,
verleih ihnen Flügel.“
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832)

The foundation supports and accompanies the orphans, the abandoned children as well as the children and young people whom we took in for a few years until they complete their studies or vocational training. Wir helfen ihnen beim Suchen einer Anstellung und lassen sie danach ihre eigenen Wege gehen.

For the orphans and abandoned children, the children’s home of the Tuwapende Watoto Foundation is their home. The doors are always open for them and all are welcome.


Prisca Mashimbi

Prisca Mashimbi

born on 6.5.1995 in Tabora, in the children’s home since 2007. At the end of 2015, the family of Prisca, Francis, Fabian and Irene decided to take them back into their care. The social welfare office approved the grandfather’s application. We are happy to know that everyone is well and able to attend a good school. To enable Prisca to complete her studies at the university in Dar es Salaam, the foundation supported her with an interest-free loan. She successfully graduated from the university in 2019.