

Donation efficiency

The whole administration is voluntary and cost-free. Therefore, almost 100% of your donations are used up for the children. Also, we guarantee a careful handling of all donations.

All travel expenses for board members, ambassadors and volunteers are and will be paid by them on their own.

For the operation and maintenance of the orphanage, for paying the school fees of children from underprivileged families in the area, for the vocational school and for the support of the Itobo school, we need approximately CHF 298,000 in 2022. This amount is made up as follows according to the list below:

Operation and maintenance costs Children home

For the operation of the orphanage and the education of orphans fall annually costs of about CHF 108’000.-

Bereich / Area

Aufwand in CHF/ Expenses in CHF

Saläre von 8 Mitarbeitenden (7,2 FTE) / Salaries of 8 employees (7.2 FTE)


Versicherung für Kinder und Mitarbeitende / Insurance for children and employees


Schulgeld für Kindergarten und Primarschule (12 Kinder) / School fees for nursery and primary school (12 children)


Schulgeld Sekundarschule (14 Jugendliche) / Secondary school fees (14 young people)


Universität (3 Jugendliche) / University (3 youths)


Nahrungsmittel für durchschnittlich 32 Personen / Food for an average of 32 people


Verbrauchsmaterial (Wasser, Gas, Energie) / Consumables (water, gas, energy)


Transportkosten mit Kleinbus (Wartung, Benzin, Pneu, etc.) / Transport costs with minibus (maintenance, petrol, tyres, etc.)


Maintenance (Gebäude, Solaranlage, Küchengeräte, Fenster, etc.) / Maintenance (building, solar system, kitchen appliances, Windows, etc.)


Diverses (Sicherheit, Wasserfilter) / Miscellaneous (security, water filter)


Reserve, Unvorhergesehenes / Reserve, contingency


Operations and maintenace costs Nurserey and Primary school

Since 2015, the school is self-feeding. This means that the salaries and insurance of all employees of the school (teachers, kitchen team, cleaning team, bus drivers and night watchmen), the maintenance and operation of vehicles (9 buses), food for 750 children and over 67 employees), as well the consumables (water, gas, etc.) can be paid with the school fees.

For the foundation there are still costs of about CHF 106’000 for the school attendance of the supported children:

• School fees of the supported children (about 140 children) 90’000.-
• Transport costs of the supported children (about 80 children) 16’000.-

Operations and maintenance Vocational Training Center (VTC)

We employ 17 people at the vocational school. The Vocational Training Center currently generates operating costs of about CHF 70,000 per year. With the increasing number of apprentices, we will be able to reduce the recurring operating costs. We can also generate income by selling self-produced vegetables, fruits, uniforms and baked goods to the school and the neighbourhood.

Support for secondary school for young people from underprivileged families (formerly pupils at Tuwapende Watoto Primary School)

Young people from underprivileged families, whom we already supported to attend our primary school, are enabled by our foundation to attend public secondary schools (32 young people) and, in case of excellent performance, also to attend a private secondary school (4 young people). Total costs CHF 9,000 per year.

Support school in Itobo

For many years, we have supported the school in Itobo with approx. CHF 5’000.- per year for the purchase of food.