
Head Mistress and teacher Emmaculate R. Mleke

Head Mistress and teacher Emmaculate R. Mleke

Emmaculate was born 1977 in Kigoma. She completed her studies at the Ilonga Teachers College with a certificate and at the Open University of Tanzania she finished with a degree in Business Administration. Emmaculate works for Tuwapende Watoto as a Teacher and Principal since April 2012.

Emmaculate: “It is a pleasure to me to get this chance to be one of those who can bring their contribution to Tuwapende Watoto family. It is my hope that Tuwapende Watoto will be ready to work with me for the whole of my remaining life time”.

Teacher Emmanuely Moses Shalua

Teacher Emmanuely Moses Shalua

Emmanuel Moses has been working for Tuwapende Watoto as academic teacher since January 2019. Emmanuel graduated from Iringa University in 2016. He was born in Singida in 1989.

Teacher Winniefrida Ruhusa

Teacher Winniefrida Ruhusa

Teacher Winniefrida works for Tuwapende Watoto as a teacher since April 2013. She isresponsible for the first Primary class. She was born 1986 in MoshiShe lives in the neighboring village Bunju A and has followed the construction of our school.

Winniefrida: “My ambitions are: to make sure that pupils are understanding their studies in the class when I am teaching and perform in highest marks; to coorperate with pupils and fellow teacher in and out of the class so that to have higher marks to the pupils; to maintain the discipline of the school.”

Teacher Happy Godfrey Msengi

Teacher Happy Godfrey Msengi

Teacher Happy works for Tuwapende Watoto as a teacher since April 2014. She isresponsible for the 2nd grade primary class. She was born in 1975 in Iramba, Singida. Since 2005 Cecilia has a Diploma in Education grade three A from Dar es Salaam teacher’s college.

Teacher Safiniel Ahadi Mmbaga

Teacher Safiniel Ahadi Mmbaga

Teacher Safiniel has been working for Tuwapende Watoto since September 2016 as a teacher. She is responsible for the first primary class. She attended Amazon College and completed it successfully in 2011. Safiniel was born in Moshi in 1990. 
Teacher Jasmine Abtwalib Mziray

Teacher Jasmine Abtwalib Mziray

Teacher Jasmine has been working for Tuwapende Watoto as a teacher since August 2016. From 2014 to 2016 she attended and successfully completed the University of Arusha. Jasmine was born in 1981 in Kilimanjaro.

Teacher Bahati Gidion Kasekwa

Teacher Bahati Gidion Kasekwa

Bahati has been working for Tuwapende Watoto since January 2019. She studied at the College “Kindercare” in Daressalaam.

Teacher Editha Fulgence Simeo

Teacher Editha Fulgence Simeo

Editha has been working for Tuwapende Watoto as a teacher since January 2018. She attended Amazon College and graduated in 2017. Editha was born in Mara Tarime in 1997.

Teacher Rhoda William Mnyawi

Teacher Rhoda William Mnyawi

Rhoda arbeitet seit März 2019 als Lehrerin an der Tuwapende Watoto Primarschule. Sie studierte 2013-2016 an der Universität Daressalam. Rhoda wurde 1993 in Singida geboren

Teacher Warda Khamis Masoud

Teacher Warda Khamis Masoud

Warda has been working as a teacher for Tuwapende Watoto since March 2019. She was born in 1997.

Teacher Felisha Nzowa

Teacher Felisha Nzowa

Felisha has been working for Tuwapende Watoto as a teacher since January 2021. She studied at the University of Dar es Salaam in 2015-2018. Felisha was born in Mbozi (Songwe) in 1995

Teacher Eugenia Augustine Kyaruzi

Teacher Eugenia Augustine Kyaruzi

Eugenia has been working as a teacher for Tuwapende Watoto since January 2020. She studied at Monduli Teachers College in Arusha. Eugenia was born in Bukoba in 1987.

Teacher Sebastian Roswe Nyambacha

Teacher Sebastian Roswe Nyambacha

Teacher Sebastian has been working for Tuwapende Watoto since March 2016 as a teacher. He teaches the 3rd Primary Class. Sebastian studied at the Kagumo teacher’s seminar and completed the teacher’s diploma in 2009. He was born 1987 in Mara, Tarime province.

Teacher Benjamin Othiniel Mnkande

Teacher Benjamin Othiniel Mnkande

Benjamin has been working for Tuwapende Watoto since January 2018. He attended the Teachers Collage in Mtwara and studied at the Open University. Benjamin was born in 1987 in Same-Kilimanjaro.

Teacher Francis Jackson Mwape

Teacher Francis Jackson Mwape

Francis has been working for Tuwapende Watoto since February 2019. He attended the Teachers Collage in Kitwe. Francis was born in 1970 in Izila Mbeya. He is married and father of a girl.

Teacher Jacob John Kijanga

Teacher Jacob John Kijanga

Jacob has been working for Tuwapende Watoto since January 2019. He attended the Teachers Collage in Morogoro from 2003 to 2005. Jacob was born in 1981 Singida.

Teacher Hassani Kilango Kilango

Teacher Hassani Kilango Kilango

Teacher Hassani has been working for Tuwapende Watoto as a teacher since January 2019. Hassani Joel studied at the University of Dar es Salaam from 2014 – 2017.

Teacher Baraka Nelson Stephano

Teacher Baraka Nelson Stephano

Baraka has been working as a teacher for Tuwapende Watoto since June 2018.

Lehrer Goldenchance Winluck

Lehrer Goldenchance Winluck

Goldenchance has been working for Tuwapende Watoto since January 2018..

Teacher Godwin Peter Kalelwa

Teacher Godwin Peter Kalelwa

Godwin joined Tuwapende Watoto in January 2020.

Teacher Paul John Petro

Teacher Paul John Petro

Paul has been working for Tuwapende Watoto since July 2020.

Teacher Peter Bariyanka Masimba

Teacher Peter Bariyanka Masimba

Peter has been working for Tuwapende Watoto since January 2020

Teacher Yasint Izaack Lihamba

Teacher Yasint Izaack Lihamba

Yasint has been working at Tuwapende Watoto since July 2020.