Bunju B


Bunju B, Dar-es-Salaam, Tansania

Tuwapende Watoto locationBunju B is a typical Tanzanian village with a market, restaurants, craftsmen and numerous small shops. It is located on the Bagamoyoroad between Dar es Salaam and Bagamoyo and is an hour’s drive from the city centre. There is a lot of development activity along this important road, which will soon be widened to four lanes thanks to Japanese support. This expansion will also significantly reduce travel time from the city to the children’s home.



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Google Earth (Aufnahme ca. Februar 2017) (durch Anklicken Titel Ansicht in Google Maps)

In recent years, this fertile and hilly area has become more attractive and attracted many young families. A large settlement with many beautiful detached houses is now developing. Most of these residents send their children to our school as they are convinced of the quality and professionalism of our educational offer and want their children to receive a very good education.


Liebermann Boy’s Secondary School (previously Dar es Salaam Prime High School)

Very close to our facility, a secondary school was opened in 2011. The founder and sponsor of this school, Professor Moshi, was a very well-known university professor in Tanzania and founder of the University of Dar es Salaam. Unfortunately, he passed away in July 2011 and the school was taken over by Liebermann Boy’s Secondary School in 2019.f his widow.



Hans Mgaya Hospital

Adjacent to our children’s home property, the Hans Mgaya Hospital was built and opened in 2020.e inaugurated mid of 2016.