R.I.P. – Samwel Dyelu, Member of foundation board

Samuel Dyelu, member of foundation board – RIP – We have the sad duty to inform about the passing away of our longtime member of the foundation board Samwel Dyelu. He passed away on April 18th at the age of 62 years due to the consequences of an operation. Sawuel Dyelu had been a member of the Tanzania Foundation Board since 2011. With his personality, his skills and his network, he helped the Tuwapende Watoto Foundation in all these years with strategic, but also operational decisions in the field of Tanzanian culture. He was committed to our concerns with great passion and advised us as a bridge-builder to local organisations and authorities. With Samwel Dyelu we are losing a lovable person and a committed foundation board member. He leaves a big gap at Tuwapende Watoto in Tanzania. – We extend our sincere condolences to his family.

Jo Zahner


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